Couresy of This site has been very accurate for me. I also have to post about my trip to my psychic.
Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller
Aquarius Horoscope for October 2011
By Susan Miller
The mood of October was set in motion late last month, on the September 27 new moon in Libra, 4 degrees, and was accompanied by the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn. All this energy filled your ninth house of big ideas and vast horizons. With so many heavenly bodies in Libra - five - all supporting your Aquarius Sun, you are not feeling the tensions that most of your friends of other signs are feeling now. These planets, although in a disruptive mood, are creating changes you can deal with more easily than most. The biggest change might just be in your attitude as you take time to think and to possibly change your perspective on a topic or two of importance to you.
Planets were in a bad mood at the end of September, so you may have had a number of people around you who were just aching for a fight. Everyone was defending their turf, but as a cool and collected Aquarius, you probably let those stirred-up people in your life vent, curious to hear what they had to say, but taking it all in without ruffling your feathers. One person in particular - it could have been a romantic or business partner / agent / manager / representative - was not about to agree with you, even if you said something few could refute, like "The sun comes up in the east each day."
If the person in question is a work-related partner or collaborator, he or she was not about to rubber stamp any of your ideas, so you had to present your ideas with plenty of reasons to show why the course of action you were suggesting was best. During October and most of November, you will still have to be persuasive to get anyone to agree with you, or else be prepared to give up certain points. In normal times, you'd never have to do this, but that was then, and this is now. Things won't always be this way. By November 11, things will get better.
If you can travel now, if that would be possible, the ninth house, so lit up, emphasizes your relationship with people in foreign countries. It appears, however, that any trip you take would be pressured, and you'd have a lot of work to complete. If you do any work with companies abroad, it must be a busy time for you - in fact, business must be booming. If you are not working overseas, and would like to, get busy planting those seeds in early October. Import-export, publishing, broadcasting, Internet, and university study and grants done overseas will be indicated now. You can stay back in your home city and work with those cities overseas - you may be on the phone a great deal to set up those deals.
Expect to have lots of important paperwork and government documents to change hands. Saturn loves red tape, and he's sitting in your ninth house of foreign people and places. Pluto is in hard angle to all the planets in your ninth house, suggesting that paperwork will take time, and there seems to be little that can be done to speed it up. Have patience.
The ninth house that is so lit up for you rules the exchange of intellectual information of all kinds, so you may be debating others, or hearing others' points of view (whether you ask for those opinions or not).
The courts system comes under the ninth house, so if you have a court case, you may be getting ready to have it tried in the courts, or are hoping to settle it. Saturn in that house has made finding a compromise difficult. Just getting the case on the court docket must have taken a lot of time - if you had to file your case after October 2009, the process must seem like it's taking forever. By October 2012 Saturn will leave this part of your chart, and things will speed up. I am not sure you can wait that long.
The back and forth, give and take, and sharing of ideas, opinions, and attitudes will form an important part of the process this month, and you will gain a more rounded, informed view of various issues from all the discussion. With five heavenly bodies in Libra, the sign of partnership, and Mars in your seventh house, also ruling partnership and collaborations, this is your life as it should be in October. With five planets in analytical air signs (five Libra and one planet in Aquarius, Neptune), plus two in compatible fire signs (Mars in Leo, Uranus in Aries), everyone - you included - will strive for the fair and just answer. Have faith in the process, for with so many compatible elements at play, things should end on the right note for you.
If you are taking a big exam at any point during the first half of October, particularly near October 13, when Saturn will conjoin the Sun, you may find the test to be hard - being well prepared will make all the difference. If you feel you need a tutor, hire one, as it appears this person could be worth his or her weight in gold.
More travel will be emphasized at the full moon, October 11, plus or minus five days, but this time, the travel you would be able to take would be close to home. Your third house will be lit up, and this trip seems to be taken with someone else. That person may be your spouse or sweetheart, or if your trip is done for business, your agent, manager, or business partner may come with you. It's also possible that your sister or brother will be playing a large role in your life mid-month - see how things work out for you.
The third house, so brilliantly lit at the full moon October 11, is also the house of agreements, so you may be asked to sign a contract at this time, but this full moon opposes Saturn, and this suggests the deal would involve an arduous amount of hard work and attention to detail. It could literally require so many hours that you later have health problems, so I am going to ask you if you truly want this job or not.
If you can hold off signing or agreeing to this opportunity until end of October, then you will have my blessing, for what's to come in the last week of October will be so wonderful you'll practically fall off your chair in disbelief. Certainly at that time, near October 28, the offer on the table will be something you will want to accept. If the offer that comes on October 11 can be changed and is again up for your review on October 28, it means you'll be able to change some of the points to make that offer a good one. Or, it may be that by dragging things out at the full moon October 11, you may get a second offer that is MUCH better near October 28, and be glad you didn't sign mid-month!
A meeting of Saturn and the Sun, a heavy-duty aspect, will happen on Thursday, October 13, and may bring you news that your mate, ex-husband, father, grandfather, boss, or other prominent man in your life is going through a hard time. This man may need your sympathy and understanding, and depending on the situation if it is a family person, perhaps your love and assistance, too - be there for this person. The Sun is always read as "male" in the chart, the reason I say it's a man.
Because Saturn is the ruler of your twelfth house, a sector ruling confinement, this male person who seems isolated, sad, lonely, or not well may be in the hospital, rehab, physical therapy, a nursing home, or even in jail (and needs you to get him out)! I doubt this male that is close to you is in prison, but the ancients put jail in the same house as hospitals. (I can hear you laughing because if you have ever been in a hospital you know it's true! A jail and a hospital are very much alike - neither let you leave on your own free will without consequences!
Or, conversely, it may be that someone gives you a hard time on this day, say, when he or she criticizes you or refuses to negotiate in good faith. October 13 would never be a day I would go to your soon-to-be-ex (or anyone else) and ask for a deal. Try to keep out of the line of fire on this day and let things happen, as they will, without your involvement.
The new moon on October 26 will be the moment you long awaited, for it can create a big boost to your career! With four heavenly bodies in your tenth house of fame and honors - the Sun, new moon, Venus, and Mercury - some very exciting professional offers are likely to be stirred up. You may get a chance to interview for an important new position, the kind you always hoped would be offered. This position would have lots of responsibility, power, and an impressive title.
Alternatively, you may get some enviable publicity for the fine work you've done, so if you have a publicist, call him early in the month to get your publicity campaign ready. Enter award shows too, if applicable. If you are self-employed, you can get a prestigious new client that will seal your reputation as a mover and shaker, and certainly one to watch in the future. This is your moment to shine, and you must investigate every offer you get from that moment on.
This new moon will arrive in Scorpio, 3 degrees, and it will send a lovely beam to Pluto, Scorpio's ruler and planet of financial power. This new moon also will partner nicely with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. This means financial talks should go SO well, better than you have any idea!
Pluto is based in your behind-the-scenes sector, a house that is usually cloaked in secrecy. It seems a very powerful person behind the scenes has given your name to top VIPs and that's the reason you were called in. You may or may not ever find out who his person is, but surely, he or she believes in you. Saturn will be well angled to Mars, too, indicating a fine, stable outcome is likely.
You only get one new moon in your tenth house of career success a year, and when it comes, it behooves you to make a concerted effort to have meetings and presentations, and do other things to cause others to notice the good work you've been doing. This is the new moon you need to advance upward and score a big victory.
I had mentioned October 28 earlier, but I will mention it again, for a different reason. This sterling day gets my vote for five gold stars. On this day, a Friday, Jupiter and Pluto will be in precise, tight mathematical sync, a rare aspect always associated with success and large financial deals.
For you, October 28 is likely to bring outstanding news about real estate, so you may sell a house or buy one, with very good terms. Or, you may renegotiate your mortgage with a low interest rate. You may get a large check from your parents, or news of an inheritance from the lawyer of a beloved relative. Whatever happens on this day will be big, for sure.
It is possible to do things on a small scale too, say, if you need a roommate to help you pay the rent or a tenant to live in your two-family house. You may find the couch or rug of your dreams on a special one-day sale. All sorts of good luck will surround you on October 28. Financial luck may extend beyond the home / family / real estate area, so circle this day, and the day prior, October 27, for any sort of business meeting. If you have to sign papers, make your signing for October 27 or 28, and it matters not which city in the world you live. Those are your dates.
Romantically, you might enjoy a calmer relationship after Mars leaves Leo on November 11. Having said that, there are Aquarians who say everything has been fine, and it's been fun collaborating with a partner. Mars in the seventh house does not spell arguments necessarily, but it does suggest a greater need to compromise and be conciliatory.
If you are single, this month's heavy overtones seem to be making you more practical and realistic about the type of person you'd like to date. Mercury rules your house of true love, and when Saturn moves over Mercury on October 6, you will see a relationship in daylight. If there's no future, you'll know it, and you'll see there's no point waiting forever.
Being pragmatic and objective seems to go against the whole concept of sentimental romance, I know. In time you will realize that you need both realism and fantasy to make a love relationship work well and give you the happiness you deserve. This month you will see the value of emphasizing the practical side of love, and perhaps will add that element to your mix in the future. When you do, all matters of the heart will fall into alignment and work as it should. If you've been with a person a long time, and commitment has not come, being practical means realizing it won't ever happen - it's time to go.
If you are not dating and have no relationship, this month you may be attracted to someone who is older than you by a good amount of time, say, 8 to 10 years, or who is quite mature for his or her age, even if this person is the same age as you. This type of relationship would likely suit you now; see how you feel.
Friday, October 21, could be a lyrical date night, when the Sun and Neptune are perfectly in sync. The moon will be in luxury-minded Leo, so this evening has plenty of potential.
Best date nights for you include October 1, 2, 6, 15-16, 20, 21, 28, and 29.
Travel will be very likely now, and at the start of October, any journey you take will be to further your career. You'll need to be well prepared for any task you take on. In other words, this won't be an assignment you can "wing" but that you will need to be on your A-game. If you find yourself in a competitive situation, you may feel overwhelmed by pressures, but no worries - you can emerge as the star in this situation as long as you stay on your toes and keep your motivation high.
If you are at the university, exams this month won't be ones you can breeze though, so careful preparation will pay off. You may feel people are expecting a lot of you during early October, but even so, it's because you have been exuding an aura of intelligence and capability. You can live up to anyone's expectations - just don't become distracted.
The full moon October 11 will allow you to take a short, spontaneous trip for fun and romance, perhaps over the preceding weekend October 9-10, and possibly extending a bit more. Go ahead - go apple picking or wine tasting, or choose a trail to hike through brilliant fall foliage. Still, when you plan your weekend away, stay flexible, for things may come up that could derail your going on the trip, such as too much last minute work to do at the office. (In that case, you may have to leave Saturday morning rather than Friday night, for example.) Be sure to get your car serviced and checked before heading out, for Saturn will be close, so be sure your car will run smoothly. With Mars in Leo, a partner will dominate and advance your relationship. You may be fine with sitting back, for your partner will be glad to lead the way.
You'll know a great opportunity when you see one on October 28. The offer will pertain to your home or other property. Thanks to a joint effort between Jupiter (luck) and Pluto (power), you will find ways to make your home a savvy investment. Notice the nature of the talks that arise then - it's a great time to announce intentions that have to do with the buying, selling, leasing of your home or other property or concerning renovations, refinancing, or a decision involving one of your parents.
Your career will get star billing immediately after one of the year's best new moons, October 26, appears (and in the two weeks that follow). Your actions taken in those two weeks will have the power to change your professional life for the whole year to come. If you've wondered when to make your big professional move, it's now!
With four planets in your house of fame and honors, including the Sun, new moon, Venus, and Mercury, you'll have VIPs vying for you and wrapped around your little finger. Mercury, in particular, will keep you on point, and the moon and Sun will see to it that you get access to precisely the people who will help you the most. You won't see any career moment this special again for many months to come. Act now!
As you may have noted, your happiest moments will occur at month's end, and romance could be part of the mix, too. You may meet someone through the course of your work, so plan to look professional but approachable. If you meet someone new, you will sense good chemistry instantly and intuitively - at month's end there'll be almost no challenge too big for you to master.
Dates to Note for Aquarius:
"Be prepared" will be the motto of the month. Saturn will be pressing down on all signs, and you will be among those who will actually benefit most from the heavy-duty planets at play, for all will be in Libra, a sign that blends well with yours.
If taking the law boards or other qualifying exams in early October, you will need to feel prepared, but there's no reason to feel you can't ace those tests. You can! A tutor may be helpful.
Travel abroad is indicated in the first half. Those trips would likely be arduous and require a lot of detailed preparation before and after you go - they look to be work related.
A short trip for personal reasons (like fun!) taken over October 11 plus or minus four days will require you to stay flexible. Office work could keep you from leaving Friday night. Have routine maintenance done on your car.
Home-related matters, such as the purchase, sale, or lease of real estate will go spectacularly well on October 28, due to Jupiter and Pluto in perfect angles to each other. This is a very rare aspect, and quite dazzling!
When it comes to love, this is a mildly good month. Your best opportunities to meet will come through your career, thanks to Venus in Scorpio from October 9-31, but overall, you'll like romance best at the end of October.
Your best romantic dates include: October 1, 2, 6, 15-16, 20, 21, 28, and 29.
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