Wednesday, January 7, 2009

7 months preggo...

Today I am officially 7 months preggo!!

Yesterday, for the first time, I was told by someone who work in my building that I am huge. She emphasized huge and kept tlooking at my belly. Actually it went down like this:

Me: Hey!! How are you? Happy New Year!!
Her: Hey! Oooooh you getting big!! How far along are you?
Me: 7 Months!!
Her: And you still have 2 months to go?!?!?!? You are really gonna get big.
Me: Well, we shall see (I then proceeded to go into the bathromm stall. All the while I was thinking 'BITCH!!!')

Besides, my family and man have both said I have not gained a lot of weight except in my belly and boobies. And I happen to agree!!!!

Oh well, I never expected to remain a size 6 during my pregnancy (or did I?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats girl! I haven't been to your site in a long time--now, you're getting ready for the new baby!

God bless you and the fam!