Monday, March 31, 2008

So, I Interviewed Today...

And it went really well.

The company representative spoke 95% of the time. No Joke. Seriously. She spoke damn near the entire time about her company, the position, and other nonsense. It didn't bother me much at all. I sat there and smiled and 'Yes-ed' her to death. LOL!!!

Now some may say, how did you sell yourself? How will she know you can do the job? Well, I guess I didn't have to sell myself too much because I received a call 4 hours later saying the rep was highly impressed and I will know of my 'fate' by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest. She kept commenting on my experience and how great my resume was. I attempted to get a word in edge wise and exaggerate my skill, experience, training, yada yada, yada, but alas, there was no need LOL!!!

But get this people!!! Why oh why did I develop the biggest bump imaginable 30 minutes before the interview. I saw it creep into the world 2 days before the interview and ignored it. But, why oh why did I try to lessen the visual others would encounter. I pushed and prodded and pushed and prodded until that thing wouldn't give anymore. Man!!! When I say that darn bump grew 5 times in size, I am NOT exaggerating!!! I was a bit self conscious of the newly formed tumor/bump and had to force myself to sit up properly and not lower my head. It was THAT huge y'all. But as I sit here and type this, much later in the evening, of course it has shrunk to a barely visible mark....go figure!!

I rambled a bit in this post, but what else is new.

OH!!! Before I forget. Effective tomorrow, I will begin keeping a diary(in a notepad) of the food I eat. I eat a lot! Most folk would be surprised if they knew how much I can eat....when I am bored. Man, boredom sets in, and that's all it takes. Anyway, the idea came about when I was working out with a fellow gym rat. We are both trying to get our abs in pristine condition. Well, as pristine as abs can be transformed in 30 days.

I just noticed I express myself on this blog the same way I do in real life....all over the place!! I have to correct that soon. Yeah, I think I will. LOL!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am rolling over your tumor/pustule! Yeah, it was really aggravated and inflammed. Guess that's why they teach us in school not to mess with 'em. Just put some benzoyl peroxide on it to draw everything out.

Glad it reduced itself...well, after the fact.