Friday, September 14, 2007

My financial goals...

It just occurred to me I have never posted about my financial situation. I mean, that is the purpose of this blog isn't it? Well, my financial situation isn't too bad. In fact I have hardly any debt. I just recently (in the past 4 months) acquired 2 new credit cards. My purpose of getting these cards was to improve my credit. Well, why and how are you gonna do that you ask. Well, considering I paid my car off 1.5 years early, nearly 4 years ago, I had no revolving credit. I didn't have ANY credit cards, except for a couple retail store cards I NEVER use (JCPenny, Sears from my college years...go figure HA!). I decided it was time to put a rush move on my credit situation. Now my score was in the 600's a few months ago. My score is now in the 700's and I credit this to obtaining a card and using it wisely. I pay my bill off in it's entirety every month. I dont make huge purchases unless I KNOW I can pay it off. That was until recently...

One of my credit cards has a balance of approximately $160...I'm gonna pay this off tomorrow. Now my other card has a balance of approximately $1700. I am not going to pay this off immediately because I will not be making purcahses on this card anymore. No, I am not going to close it. NO way!!! Doing so would cause me to lose a lot of my credit history with this bank...which happens to be excellent. Therefore, I am going to keep this balance and pay it off in 6 months. Thus causing my credit score to increase due to on time payments. Now, I know a lot of you may be saying 'Well what about interest cost and the such' A HA!!! I have an introductory interest rate of 0.0% for the first year. Yep, see how that works. I am actually using the bank to increase my credit score and not have to worry about interest rates in the process.

I do want to have that credit card paid off before I purchase my home. So if I find a home in the next month or so, that bill will be paid off pronto!! Believe that. Now, the one bill I am ashamed to admit I have had since I graduated college, and I havent made a dent in payment wise, is my student loan. I never really thought of this being a real bill. Yeah, stupid I know. And that is why my credit took a hard hit back when I graduated college. BUT!! My view on the student loans has changed. It's a new day and I am going to figure out a way to pay this baby off in 5 years or less.

I also have huge plans for my house. I want to actually pay that off in less than 10 years. I dont know how this will happen, but I am doing research and find a way!!! I have been thinking about this for the past few days. If any of you have ideas as to how I can pay a home mortgage off early, or how I can pay my student loan off in 5 years, please let me know. Oh!!! My student loan debt is 31K. I cant believe I actually put that amount in print. I guess this is the first step.
**Stepping up to the podium** "Hi, My name is I'm Fabulous!!!! Deal with It... and I have student Loan debt"

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