Friday, September 14, 2007

It'll be another month...

...before I can begin my house search and I feel like crying. Well, not really. I am over that feeling, but I thought the pic was cool and cute. Well, I guess you wanna know what happened. My sis comes into my room last night and says 'Girl, I got some bad news' I already knew what it was because we have YET to go and preview homes. Anyways, she has to take a couple more classes before her liscence is reinstated or some crap like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have to wait and y'all know how I do not like to wait for anything. Sooooo, it'll be another month or so before I officailly begin my home search. Therefore, I will refrein from going to realtor websites looking for prospective homes. I am forced to blog and do actual work while at WORK...go figure.

Anyways, I have been lurking soo many pf sites and I am hooked. I already gave y'all the link to Single Ma's Blog in an earlier post. I now introduce Dimples. I like her site a lot. Go visit it and tell her I sent you. HA!! She's as sista girl trying to get her finances in order as well. She has a lot of resources that would be beneficial to a lot of you wanting to save and budget. It's in this post here Cool PF Stuff.

Now, let's talk finances. I have been doing GREAT this past month with my spending habits. Meaning I have not been going to the malls. I have been taking my lunch and breakfast to work instead of eating out and I have been eating dinner at home. Saving mucho moolah. BUT!!! Yesterday, there was a disruption. I had an impromptu lunch date with a former colleague. Now, I bought my Marie Callendar chicken pot pie to work with EVERY intention of devouring it at my desk. But do to the unsuspected lunch date, I spent $4.00 exact on a chicken breast and a roll. I then went home and didnt feel like cooking so I spent $10.43 on a pork chop dinner from a soul food restaurant. That's a total of $14.43 I should not have spent!!! I even ended up with a head ache after eating that darn salty pork chop. I guess I learned my lesson, huh...


Dimples said...

"...I spent $10.43 on a pork chop dinner from a soul food restaurant. "

I ain't even mad at you. Mmmm....pork chops. (salivating)

We fall down but we GET UP!

Girl you are gonna have your ups and your downs. Being that you have been doing so well, we could call yesterday your treat for the week. Your allowed to indulge yourself once and a while. Being frugal is not all that fabulous or divine. I can manage it for a week but I need @ least one day to just splurge a lil and have fun.

Keep trucking ma.

Dimples said...

oh....and thanks for the shout out. :-) tee hee